Friday, November 21, 2008

It's official... my baby is growing up too fast

I just went on my lunch break and enrolled him in preschool. He'll be going to Star Montessori starting January 12, 2009! He turns 18 months on January 7th and begins the next week. It's a bitter sweet moment. I've been unbelievably blessed to have such an amazing person keeping him since he was 10 weeks. She's worked with me side by side to help me raise him the way I wanted. She's loved and nurtured him more than I could ever ask. So for that it's a very bitter moment. But now he get's to experience the social setting of being with other's his age. He gets to blossom into his toddler hood and really begin to start the learning process. For that it's sweet.

I'm already a bundle of emotions. Imgaine how bad this is going to be on January 12th!


KimboSue said...

who watched Andrew? we're currently venturing down this path...

S~R~A said...

Linda O'Bannion has been watching him since he was 10 weeks old. Check this website out though: