Let's see here.. Raegann got her school progress report last week. Awesome news there! She scored all 2's which means she's right on track. The best news was she got a 1 in reading meaning she is above level. She is already on level 16 which is where they should be at the end of the year. She's doing soo amazing!
Chandler turns 11 this week. On Thursday. I'm making his favorite, homemade mac n cheese, then we'll do cake and ice cream. I'll have plenty of pics to post on Friday!
Andrew is just a total goofball! He now has 14 teeth and working on more! Hopefully he'll be done with teething soon!
Thursday night Shannee and I took the boys to Christmas on Main Street. It was OK. Defintley aimed more for the older kids! Poor Andrew is used to being in bed by 6:30 so he was soo tired. Wouldn't smile for anything. But at least he didn't cry when he sat with Mr. and Mrs. Clause.
Aydan and Andrew

Andrew and Shannee

Andrew with the Clauses

I went to my friend Shannee's house Friday night for a Booty Parlor Party. Fun times there for sure!

Saturday we slept in most of the day then decided to go eat and go to the museum. We saw the Body Works 2 exhibit. Soo good! Andrew was great through the whole thing.

Sunday was Bunco night for me. Our theme this month was Grease, the movie. I wore a pink wig and went as Frenchie.

And just because I find these to be unbelievably cute! They were chilling out reading the Sunday paper on the back porch together. Ahhh!

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